Apple Valley Animal Hospital - Hendersonville, NC - A Healthy Cat Environment

Apple Valley Animal Hospital

3015 Chimney Rock Rd
Hendersonville, NC 28792


A Healthy Cat Environment


“Cats are unique among all animals that live with people. They are not pack or herd animals. They are solitary hunters that are both predator and prey and have developed specific behaviors and responses to their environment. Because of this unique niche, they view the world very differently that other domestic species.” (AAFP)

Because of this, cats can have certain environmental needs. Click on the link below to read what the AAFP says about your cat's environmental needs. This is important information for all cat owners. It helps us understand and meet the complex environment needs of these beautiful creatures.

Click here to download The American Associations of Feline Practitioners guide to "Your Cat's Environment Needs".

Feline Care - Apple Valley Animal Hospital - Hendersonville, NC