Apple Valley Animal Hospital - Hendersonville, NC - Heartworm FAQs

Apple Valley Animal Hospital

3015 Chimney Rock Rd
Hendersonville, NC 28792


Heartworm Disease


Heartworm Disease, is a severe, potentially fatal, disease contracted from the bite of an infected mosquito. It takes 6 months for heartworms to mature into adults, which is what is detected by blood tests. Treatment for dogs diagnosed with heartworm disease is a very aggressive and costly treatment, and usually requires several days of hospitalization. Heartworm disease is prevalent throughout the US, with the highest number being in the southern states due to the mild winters. Here in Western North Carolina, due to our mild winters, we recommend keeping your pet on heartworm prevention year round. Even though mosquitos thrive in temperatures over 80 degrees, they can survive in temperatures as low as 60 degrees, or sometimes even lower!

Remember, for a 60 pound dog 12 months of heartworm prevention is on average $140... while treatment for heartworm disease can be anywhere from $700-900 or more. 

Click Here to view our Heartworm Awareness Brochure 

Click Here for Great Information From The National Heartworm Society

5 Facts About Heartworm Disease

Heartworm Prevalence Map - Visit this site to find more interactive information like the image above